Gustavo Bergantiños
Research Papers:
tuna fishing games (with A. Navarro-Ramos).
problems as (multi-issue) claims problems (with J.D. Moreno-Ternero).
Shapley index for music streaming platforms (with J.D. Moreno-Ternero).
Monotonicity and the
value of a language (with C. Trudeau).
The economics
of sharing the revenues from sportscast (with J.D. Moreno-Ternero).
Published papers
G. Bergantiños, J.D. Moreno-Ternero (2024). Revenue sharing at music stream platforms. Management Science,
G. Bergantiños, C. Groba, A. Sartal (2023). Applying
the Shapley value to the tuna fishery. European Journal of Operational
Research 309 (1): 306-318.
G. Bergantiños, J.D. Moreno-Ternero (2023). Broadcasting
La Liga. Sports Economic Review 1, 100005.
G. Bergantiños, M. Gómez-Rúa, N.
Llorca, M. Pulido, J. Sánchez-Soriano (2020). “Allocating costs in set
covering problems”. European
Journal of Operational Research 284: 1074-1087.
Bergantiños, J.M. Chamorro, L. Lorenzo, S. Lorenzo-Freire (2018) Mixed rules in
multi-issue allocation situations. Naval Research Logistics 65: 66-77.
G. Bergantiños, A. Valencia-Toledo, J.J. Vidal-Puga (2018). "Hart and Mas-Colell consistency in PERT problems". Discrete
Applied Mathematics 243: 11-20.
G. Bergantiños, J. Massó, A. Neme (2018) “On societies choosing
social outcomes, and their membership: internal stability and
consistency". Theory and Decision 84: 83-97.
G. Bergantiños, J. Massó, A. Neme (2017). "On societies choosing
social outcomes, and their membership: strategy-proofness". Social Choice
and Welfare 48: 857-875.
G. Bergantiños, J. González-Díaz,
A.M. González-Rueda, M.P. Fernández de Córdoba (2017). "Loss allocation in energy
transmission networks". Games an Economic Behavior 102: 69-97.
G. Bergantiños, J.D.
Moreno-Ternero (2016). "A new rule for
the problem of sharing the revenue from museum passes" Operations
Research Letters 44:208-211.
G. Bergantiños, J.J. Vidal-Puga
(2015). "Characterization
of monotonic rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems". International
Journal of Game Theory 44: 835-868.
G. Bergantiños, I. Moreno de Barreda, J. Massó, A.
Neme (2015). "Stable
partitions in many division problems: the proportional and the sequential
dictator solutions". Theory and Decision 79: 227-250.
G. Bergantiños, M. Gómez-Rúa
(2015). "An
axiomatic approach in minimum cost spanning tree problems with groups".
Annals of Operations Research 225: 45-63.
G. Bergantiños, J.D.
Moreno-Ternero (2015). "The axiomatic approach to the problem of
sharing the revenue from bundled pricing" Games and Economic Behavior 89:
G. Bergantiños, J. Massó, A. Neme (2015). "The division problem
under constraints". Games and Economic Behavior 89: 56-77.
Bergantiños, R. Martínez (2014). "Cost allocation in asymmetric
trees". European Journal of Operational Research 237: 975-987.
G. Bergantiños, M.
Gómez-Rúa, N. Llorca, M. Pulido, J. Sánchez-Soriano (2014) “A new rule for
source connection problems”. European Journal
of Operational Research 234: 780-788.
G. Bergantiños, J. Massó, A. Neme (2012). "The division problem
with voluntary participation". Social Choice and Welfare 38: 371-406.
G. Bergantiños, M. Gómez-Rúa, N. Llorca,
M. Pulido, J. Sánchez-Soriano (2012). "A cost allocation rule for k-hop minimum cost
spanning tree problems". Operations Research Letters 40: 52-55.
G. Bergantiños, J. Massó, A. Neme (2012). "The division problem
with maximal capacity constraints". SERIEs 3: 29-57.
G. Bergantiños, J.J. Vidal-Puga
(2011). "The
folk solution and Boruvka's algorithm in minimum cost spanning tree
problems". Discrete Applied Mathematics 159: 1279-1283.
G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo, S.
Lorenzo-Freire (2011). "New characterizations of the constrained equal
awards rule in multi-issue allocation situations". Mathematical Methods of
Operations Research 74: 311-325.
G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo, S.
Lorenzo-Freire (2011). “A
generalization of obligation rules for minimum cost spanning tree problems”. European Journal of
Operational Research 211: 122-129.
G. Bergantiños, A. Kar (2010). "On obligation
rules for minimum cost spanning tree problems". Games and Economic Behavior 69: 224-237.
G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo, S.
Lorenzo-Freire (2010). “The family of cost monotonic and cost additive
rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems”. Social Choice and Welfare 34:
G. Bergantiños, M. Gómez-Rúa
(2010). "Minimum
cost spanning tree problems with groups". Economic Theory 43: 227-262.
G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo, S.
Lorenzo-Freire (2010). “A characterization of the proportional rule in
multi issue allocation situations”. Operations Research Letters 38: 17-19.
G. Bergantiños, J.J. Vidal-Puga
(2010). "Realizing
fair outcomes in minimum cost spanning tree problems through non-cooperative
mechanisms". European Journal of Operational Research 201: 811-820.
G. Bergantiños, J.J. Vidal-Puga
(2009). "A
value for PERT problems". International Game Theory Review 11 (4):
G. Bergantiños, J.J. Vidal-Puga
(2009). "Additivity
in minimum cost spanning tree problems". Journal of Mathematical Economics 45: 38-42.
G. Bergantiños, J.J. Vidal-Puga
(2008). "On
some properties of cost allocation rules in minimum cost spanning tree
problems". AUCO Czech
Economic Review 2: 251-267.
G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo (2008). “Non cooperative
cost spanning tree problems with budget restrictions”. Naval Research Logistics
55: 747-757.
D. Berga, G. Bergantiños, J. Massó, A. Neme (2008). “On two basic properties of
equilibria of voting with exit". Economics Bulletin 4 (21): 1-9.
G. Bergantiños, S. Lorenzo-Freire (2008). "A characterization of
optimistic weighted Shapley rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems".
Economic Theory 35: 523-538.
G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo (2008). “The equal award
principle in problems with constraints and claims”. European Journal of
Operational Research 188: 224-239.
G. Bergantiños, S. Lorenzo-Freire (2008). "Optimistic weighted
Shapley rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems". European Journal of
Operational Research 185: 289-298.
G. Bergantiños, J.J. Vidal-Puga
(2007). "The
optimistic TU game in minimum cost spanning tree problems". International
Journal of Game Theory 36: 223-239.
G. Bergantiños, J.J. Vidal-Puga
(2007). "A
fair rule in minimum cost spanning tree problems". Journal of Economic
Theory 137: 326-352.
- D. Berga, G. Bergantiños,
J. Massó, A. Neme (2007). "An undominated Nash equilibrium in voting by
committees with exit". Mathematical Social Sciences
54: 152-175.
G. Bergantiños, B. Casas-Méndez, G. Fiestras-Janeiro, J. Vidal-Puga (2007). "A solution for
bargaining problems with coalition structure". Mathematical Social
Sciences 54: 35-58.
D. Berga, G. Bergantiños, J. Massó, A. Neme (2006). "On exiting after
voting". International Journal of Game Theory 34: 33-54.
G. Bergantiños, J.J. Vidal-Puga (2006)
"Additive rules in discrete allocation problems". European Journal of
Operational Research 172: 971-978.
G. Bergantiños, J.J. Vidal-Puga
(2005). "The
consistent coalitional value". Mathematics of Operations Research 30:
G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo (2005). "Optimal
equilibria in the non-cooperative game associated with cost spanning tree
problems". Annals of Operations Research 137: 101-115.
D. Berga, G. Bergantiños, J. Massó, A. Neme (2004). "Stability and voting
by committees with exit". Social Choice and Welfare 23: 229-247.
G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo (2004). "A
non-cooperative approach to the cost spanning tree problem". Mathematical
Methods of Operations Research 59: 393-403.
G. Bergantiños, J.J. Vidal-Puga
(2004). "Additive
rules in bankruptcy problems and other related problems". Mathematical
Social Sciences 47: 87-101.
J.J. Vidal-Puga, G. Bergantiños
(2003). "An
implementation of the Owen value". Games and Economic Behavior
44: 412-427.
G. Bergantiños, J. Massó (2002). "The
Chi-Compromise value for non-transferable utility games". Mathematical
Methods of Operations Research 56: 269-286.
G. Bergantiños, E. Sánchez (2002). "How to
distribute costs associated with a delayed project". Annals of Operations
Research 109: 159-174.
G. Bergantiños, E. Sánchez (2002). "NTU PERT
Games". Operations
Research Letters 30: 130-140.
G. Bergantiños, E. Sánchez (2002). "The
proportional rule for problems with constraints and claims". Mathematical
Social Sciences 43: 225-249.
G. Bergantiños, L. Méndez-Naya
(2001). "Additivity
in bankruptcy problems and in allocation problems". Spanish Economic
Review 3: 223-229.
G. Bergantiños, E. Sánchez (2001). "Weighted
Shapley values for games in characteristic function form". TOP 9: 55-67.
G. Bergantiños, L. Méndez-Naya
(2000). "Implementation
of the τ-value". TOP 8: 31-41.
G. Bergantiños, B. Casas-Méndez, M. Vázquez-Brage (2000). "A non
cooperative bargaining procedure generalizaing
the Kalai-Smorodinsky bargaining solution to NTU games". International
Game Theory Review 2: 273-286.
E. Sánchez, G. Bergantiños (1999). "Coalitional
values and generalized characteristic functions". Mathematical Methods of
Operations Research 49: 413-433.
E. Sánchez, G. Bergantiños (1997). "On values
for generalized characteristic functions". O. R. Spektrum 19: 229-234.
G. Bergantiños, J. Massó (1996). "Notes on a
new compromise value: the χ-value". Optimization 38: 277-286.
G. Bergantiños, F. Carreras, I.
García-Jurado (1993). "Cooperation when Some Players are
Incompatible". Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 38: 187-201.
G. Bergantiños, I. García-Jurado
(1991). "A
Note on Equalization in Extensive Form Games". Games and Economic Behavior 3: 157-162.
Published papers (in Spanish)
- G. Bergantiños, J. M. da Rocha,
P. Polomé (2002). "La investigación española en economía,
1995-1999". Investigaciones Económicas XXVI: 373-392.
- M.J. García-Rodríguez, G. Bergantiños (2001).
"Los componentes del valor de la marca: una aplicación empírica en el
segmento alto del mercado automovilístico". Revista europea de dirección y
economía de la empresa 10 (2): 161-178.
- J.N. Alonso,
G. Bergantiños, G. Fiestras, M.C. Iglesias,
M.C. Rodríguez, A. Saavedra, E. Sánchez, E. Sanmartín y A. Verdejo (2000).
"Un estudio sobre el rendimiento académico en las asignaturas de
Matemáticas y Estadística en las licenciaturas de Economía y Administración y
Dirección de Empresas". Mol 8: 17-20.
- G. Bergantiños, I. García-Jurado (1995).
"Estudio comparativo de diversas funciones características asociadas a un
juego en forma normal". Investigaciones Económicas XIX: 127-138.